Friday, August 30, 2013

Latest news from Supreme Wealth Alliance.
In a recent announcement it has been confirmed that SWA has now created 4 new Peso millionaires. These are not the team leaders,  but ordinary members who took action to improve their standard of living. 
So what is the attraction of this the fastest growing internet business online? 

  • You can work for as many hours as you want without having to answer to a boss.
  • The library has many helpful books to help you explode your earning potential.
  • Taking action sooner rather than later will help you reach your full potential.
  • Here at team global millionaires we welcome new members and assist them in every way possible.
Yes there are still some doubters who believe this to be a scam, but my answer to you is this.  Find me on Facebook and add me as your friend, send me a message saying you want to join team global millionaires promotional group. I will add you and then ask the members who are making good money if they consider SWA to be a scam.
Remember though that only you can make the decision to change your life, join us today and take that first step on the road to financial prosperity.

Add me on Facebook today.
Send me a message so that I can welcome you to the team.
I look forward to meeting you and working with you to help you achieve your dreams. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

 The latest news from Supreme Wealth Alliance
As you maybe aware SWA is growing rapidly to become one of the most popular programs by internet users here in the Philippines.  In the last 30 days alone, our team has gathered 15,000 new prospective members. We at team global millionaires look forward to welcoming new members with open arms, yet we still realize that not all of those prospects will actually translate into paying members.

We do not use hard selling tactics, just a friendly chat if a prospect is truly interested they will join our happy family.

Our aim is simple, earn, learn and share. 

  • Earn from the perfect pay plan system.
  • Learn from the massive E-book library.
  • Share this opportunity with your social network friends.

I takes just 6 people to join with you for you to double your $55 US investment in the program.

What we are now finding is that more people from other nations are now starting to become aware of the program. Additionally OFW from around the world are being made aware of SWA and are looking at this as a way of sending extra financial help to their families back here in the Philippines.

We have recently informed by our team leader that the E-book library is soon to be updated with even more titles being added to the 2,000+ already on offer. 
Joining the program gives members full lifetime access to this wonderful resource. If you do not use the program for a few months your membership is still active and you can just log back in and continue where you left off.
So what are you waiting for? Check out Supreme Wealth Alliance today, you will soon see that this is a great program and will want to become a part of it.

As Warren Buffet said. Do not depend on a single source of income, make investments to create another source.

Ready to act? Go here

Still unsure? Add me and send me a facebook message.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How Supreme Wealth Alliance can change your life.
For many of you reading this Facebook and social networking has become a way of life.
What if l told you that you can use the power of social networking to gain an extra income?
Yes it is possible, but you need some basic computer skills to be able to do this effectively.
lf you have a home PC or laptop and you have lots of Facebook friends, then you can easily run this home based business.

Just knowing how to copy / paste,  share links and images, tagging friends and chatting online could bring you the extra income you need to help you and your family.

Many people are living on the poverty line and this program is designed with those people in mind. However you need to be brave enough to take that first step on the path to prosperity. Ok we know from experience that it will not happen overnight, but with a strong will and determination to succeed you can be one of SWAs top members.

Supreme Wealth Alliance proudly boasts 21,000 members since opening its doors to the public on August 8th 2012, in that time it has paid out over 550,000 USD in commission to its members. 

Is it legitimate l hear you ask? Well follow the link below and it will take you to the SWA about page where you can examine the company certificates and make your own conclusion about the legitimacy of the company.

Now is the time to take action, sitting on the fence and wondering in six months time "what if" will not help you or your family.

For those of you that are nervous about joining this particular program l say don't be, SWA welcomes new members with open arms. It is part of one big happy family where members help each other every step of the way.
We are happy when new members start to make their own commissions, l am happy to train anyone after they have joined in how to copy and paste links. So if you are ready to take that first step to financial freedom add me on facebook
              and send me a message or  come and chat with me.  l will answer any questions you may have.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The latest news from SWA.
First it is now one year since they opened their doors to new members, in that time members have earned between them a total of $550,000 US.
As with all MLM schemes those that joined first have seen their faith and dedication to the program well rewarded, but other members are now also seeing the fruits of their labor starting to be repaid.
The team leaders are dedicated to help everyone achieve the financial security and give support and guidance where ever possible.
All teams hold weekly webinars where members can ask questions or listen to the team leader give an inspirational talk.
At first I was unsure about joining this program, believing it to be just another scam where the top people make all the money leaving those underneath struggling to even make their money back.

Having seen the numerous testimonials of ordinary people making cash withdrawals from ATMs or Western Union, I have changed my mind and would happily recommend this system to anyone who is serious about working from home with their own home based business.

If you would like to find out more about this business opportunity than please come to Facebook and add to your friends list, I am available to chat most days and will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Alternatively you can  watch this you tube video presentation which explains the scheme in great details
If after seeing the video you are interested and would like to join SWA then please go here: